Online Backgammon Bonuses
Backgammon is a game of skill and a little luck. If your a pool hall old timer like me, then you can appreciate the game and there is nothing better than playing a game of backgammon for a c-note while sweating your pool bets against little joe and scotty townsend. Play real money backgammon online at the following sites.
Stay tuned for access to some exceptional online gambling sites to play real money backgammon games. We are on the prowl for the top rated options and will post the results of our analysis just as soon as we have thoroughly investigated this gaming venue. In the mean time, read on to find out what the backgammon craze is all about, and find out just how to play this thrilling game so you're 100% ready when we post the top rated real money backgammon sites.
How To Play Backgammon
White and Red players take turns rolling the dice and moving their checkers around the Board. You must move your checkers into your "Home" area. Once all your checkers are in your Home area you can start removing them ('bearing off') from the Board. Remove all your checkers from the Board before your opponent in order to win the match.
Be Aware of the Timer!
Your timer is located in the top-right corner of the game screen. You have 15 seconds to roll the dice and a further 40 seconds to make your moves. This timer will flash and make an audible alert when you are running out of time!
Rolling the Dice
Click the "Roll Dice" button in the top-left corner of the game window or click the area of the Board where the dice are displayed.
Moving Your Checkers
Left-click on a checker to move it. Left-click and hold to drag a checker around the Board. You can also right-click on an empty point to auto-cover with two checkers.
Offering the Doubling Cube
Before you roll the dice you may click on the "Offer Cube" button in the top-left corner of the game window to offer the Doubling Cube to your opponent. If accepted, the winner of the game will receive twice as many points as before. The Cube will now be controlled by your opponent and can only be offered back to you. The Doubling Cube is displayed on the Board closest to the controlling player. If your opponent declines the offered Doubling Cube they forfeit the match.
Options Menu
Click on the "Options Menu" button during a game to change the settings on the game. These settings are persistent and will not reset after each game. Settings allow you to:
Click Dice to Finish Turn. Choose this setting to end your turns yourself by clicking on the dice. The default setting is to automatically end your turn on your final move;
Auto-Roll Dice. Select this setting to have the dice rolled for you when it is your turn. Please note you will not be able to offer the doubling cube if this setting is chosen;
Basic Graphics. Choose simple board graphics for easier viewing during extended play sessions; and
Flip Board. Gives you a different viewing perspective on the Board; and
Auto Bear-Off. This setting is "off" by default.
Top Real Money Backgammon Sites
Sorry, there are no longer any trusted backgammon sites still in business.